In October 1988 the German-British-Association Biebertal e.V. could announce its foundation. The aim of the association at the beginning was primarily to find a twin town in Great Britain.
More than 20 members were involved in the foundation of the association. Since then the number of active and passive members has steadily increased.
Prof. Heribert Rück was elected as the first chairman and led the association for 16 years. Together with his wife Moira, mayor Günter Leicht and members of the local parliament as well as members of the newly founded German-British Association, a twin town was searched for Bieberal. After a successful search, the partnership deed with Denbigh in the north of Wales was signed in 1991.
Please read also the detailed list of our founding member Werner Spaltner (s. below)
The history of the association until the foundation and finding of a twin town in chronological order
(Text Werner Spaltner)
The foundation of the German-British Association and the search for partner communities in Great Britain and the former GDR have the same origin and run parallel.
May 1978
First talks between Moira Rück and Werner Spaltner on the conclusion of a partnership with a British community.
Application of the CDU (party) faction in the Biebertal parliament for the establishment of a partnership with a British community.
Discussion of this motion in the meeting of the municipal representatives. The SPD (party) group suggests to look also for a connection or partnership with a GDR municipality. The following resolution is passed:
"The municipal council instructs the SKS committee, after consulting the twinning commission, to discuss the conclusion of a twinning agreement with a British town.
Furthermore, a discussion should also take place about the possibility of a connection or partnership with a town in the GDR. The municipal council is to be informed about the result of the discussions by the SKS committee in one of its next meetings."
Consultation in the partnership commission
Recommendation: make various contacts and give to SKS committee.
Consultation in the SKS committee and recommendation to the municipal council: conclusion of partnerships with a British and a GDR municipality.
The proposed resolution of the SKS Committee to the Municipal Council was:
"The municipal council decides on the conclusion of a partnership with an English municipality and at the same time expresses its support for entering into a school partnership. Furthermore, the decision is made to strive for the conclusion of a partnership with a community in the GDR - possibly Eibenstock. The communal executive committee is instructed to initiate suitable steps for the realization of the declarations of intent."
Meeting of the Municipal Council. The following resolution is passed:
"The municipal council of the municipality of Biebertal resolves to strive for a partnership with an English municipality - if possible together with a school partnership - and a partnership with a municipality in the GDR. The municipal board is instructed to take the steps for realization set out in the SKS Committee."
Vote: 26 yes
since May 28th 1988
Inquiries were made by Moira Rück, Susan Schlierbach and Werner Spaltner to persons known to them as to whether they were interested in a German-British partnership and in founding an association for German-British friendship. At the same time an invitation was sent to a meeting of interested persons in the Reehmühle on 01.06.1988.
First letter from Susan Schlierbach to Chief Executive in Sevenoaks/Kent England asking if there is any interest in Sevenoaks or the area there in twinning with a German congregation.
Preliminary meeting of interested persons in the German-British Friendship in the Reehmühle in Bieber. Mr. Spaltner had prepared various documents for this meeting and led through the meeting. There were 20 persons present, 17 of them spontaneously wanted to become members of an association. A committee was elected to prepare the founding meeting of the association. The members of this committee were: Kurt Hamerak, Ursula Graumann, Lothar Laucht, Susan Schlierbach, Moira Rück and Werner Spaltner.
Discussion in the SKS Committee
2nd meeting of the interested persons in the community center Rodheim. Date fixed for the founding meeting on 14.09.1988 or 12.10.1988.
Public invitation in the Biebertaler Nachrichten to the founding meeting on 14.09.1988 at 20:00 in the community center Rodheim.
Founding meeting of the Association for the Promotion of German-British Friendship, 6301 Biebertal (from 15.11.1988 German-British Association).
Herr Spaltner hatte die Versammlung vorbereitet und sie zunächst geleitet. Beitrittserklärungen wurden allen Teilnehmern ausgehändigt und von denen, die Mitglied werden wollten ausgefüllt, unterschrieben und abgegeben. Die 26 Gründungsmitglieder wählten den Vorstand. Wahlleiter war Herr Gerhard Augst, Wahlhelfer waren Herr Hans-Albert Bender und Herr Johannes Kontner. Der gewählte Vorstand setzte sich wie folgt zusammen:
1st chairman Heribert Rück, vice chairman Werner Spaltner, secretary Moira Rück, treasurer Lothar Laucht, assessors Susan Schlierbach, Henning Reeh and Franz Maiwald. After the election of the board, Mr. Rück chaired the meeting. There was a lively discussion about perspectives and the usual association matters. The minutes of the founding meeting were written by Werner Spaltner.
Further consultation in the partnership commission
First Board Meeting
Extraordinary General Meeting. The name of the association is changed to Deutsch-Britischer Verein Biebertal. Through the private contacts of the Rück family and Susan Schlierbach, four communities are mentioned as possible British partner communities.
These are:
Barnard Castle in Treesdale
Blaenau Ffestiniog in Snowdonia
Denbigh in North Wales
Ash cum Ridley in Kent
Ash cum Ridley and Denbigh showed the greater interest and were shortlisted.
The association has 39 members.
Consultation in the partnership commission
Consultation in the partnership commission
Consultation in the partnership commission
At this meeting, Mrs Rück and Mrs Schlierbach introduced the communities of Denbigh, Blaenau Ffestiniog and Ash cum Ridley. The three communities are interested in a partnership. They will receive further information material from Biebertal on request. The Rück family sent invitations to the towns of Denbigh and Blaenau Ffestiniog so that delegations from these towns would like to visit Biebertal.
It is decided to send a delegation to these communities. The date of the trip is October 19th to 25th 1989.
First Ordinary General Meeting of the Anglo-German Association. 20 of the 49 members were present.
Meeting of the Partnership Commission. The planned trip of a delegation is prepared. At the same time it is announced that the town of Blaenau Ffestiniog is no longer interested (too big for Biebertal).
Meeting of the Partnership Commission, further preparation of the delegation trip, presentation of the gift list and the visit programmes.
19. – 26.10.1989
Due to invitations from Ash cum Ridley (Kent) and Denbigh (Wales), a delegation from Biebertal travelled with a bus to both communities to get to know them and to introduce Biebertal. The delegation included: Mayor Günter Leicht, Prof. Dr. Heribert Rück, Mrs. Moira Rück, Mr. Henning Reeh, Mr. Karl Leib, Mr. Werner Spaltner, Mr. Dieter Scholz, Mrs. Susan Schlierbach, Mrs. Christa Brämer-Schreiber (comprehensive school). The delegation received an exceptionally hospitable welcome in both communities. Mr Spaltner made a video film about the visits to both communities.
Social evening of the German-British Association and first screening of the video film about the delegation's trip to Ash cum Ridley and Denbigh.
Meeting of the Partnership Commission.
The return visits of delegations from Ash cum Ridley and Denbigh are discussed and dates are discussed. It is also stressed that a partnership between the schools would be very good. This seems more possible with Denbigh than with Ash cum Ridley. The tendency to give preference to Denbigh is visible in this meeting.
Mayor Leicht writes letters to Ash cum Ridley and Denbigh, thanking them for the friendly reception of the Biebertal delegation and extending official invitations for a return visit. He hints to Ash cum Ridley that the tendency is towards Denbigh. He emphasises again how important a school partnership is to us and therefore also the tendency towards Denbigh.
Meeting of the Partnership Commission.
The return visits are scheduled and prepared (Denbigh April 14th - 17th 1990 and Ash cum Ridley May 26th - 28th 1990). At the same time it is announced that on March 24th 1990 a concert of 25 musicians from Haver Hill (twin town of Ehringshausen) will take place in the community centre.
Meeting of the twinning commission. Preparations continue for the visits of the delegations from Denbigh and Ash cum Ridley. From Denbigh 19 persons are expected, from Ash cum Ridley about 15 persons. The Anglo-German Association will be actively involved in the visits.
14. – 17.04.1990
Visit of a delegation from Denbigh to Biebertal with 17 persons.
Annual General Meeting of the German-British Association. Heribert Rück is re-elected as Chairman. Werner resigns from the Board at his own request. The Board is now composed as follows:
1st Chairman Heribert Rück, 2nd Chairman Henning Reeh, Secretary Edith Triller, Deputy Secretary Moira Rück, Treasurer Lothar Laucht, Deputy Treasurer Klaus Tauber, Assessors Susann Schlierbach, Petra Hofmann, Rudolf Bena and Hans Kontner.
Meeting of the Partnership Commission.
Preparation of the visit of the delegation from Ash cum Ridley. Mayor Leicht reported that on April 30th 1990 it was decided in Denbigh to enter into a partnership with Biebertal.
26. – 29.05.1990
Visit of a delegation (13 persons) from Ash cum Ridley with a corresponding visit program of the municipality of Biebertal.
Meeting of the Partnership Commission.
All the advantages and disadvantages of a partnership with Denbigh or Ash cum Ridley are discussed in detail. The commission decides in favour of Denbigh by a very large majority.
Meeting of the SKS Committee
Here, too, the pros and cons are discussed. Four members decide in favour of Ash cum Ridley and three in favour of Denbigh.
Meeting of the Municipal Council
After a thorough discussion, the municipal council voted in favour of Denbigh as Biebertal's partner municipality with 17 votes in favour, 7 votes against and no abstentions.
Meeting of the Partnership Commission. The further course of action in the partnership with Denbigh is discussed. A partnership agreement and signing dates are also discussed. It is suggested to invite a delegation to the 20th anniversary of Biebertal on 01.12.1990. Then the partnership agreement and the celebrations for the signing of the agreement could also be discussed together. Proposal: Summer 1991
Meeting of the SKS Committee
General discussion of the partnership with Denbigh. Summer 1991 is suggested as the date for signing the twinning agreement. Details could be discussed with the delegation from Denbigh on December 1st 1990 as described above.
Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Biebertal municipality
As discussed in the committees, the details of the planned partnerships will be discussed with the invited delegations from Denbigh (four people) and Eibenstock (six people).
Meeting of the Partnership Commission.
The dates for the signing of the partnership documents are discussed. Proposal September 14th/15th 1991 in Denbigh and October 19th/20th 1991 in Biebertal. The interested participants for the travel group to Denbigh are named. Mrs Rück informs that in Denbigh the text of the contract proposed by Biebertal was unanimously approved by the parliament.
April 1991
DBV Annual General Meeting
Review of achievements, especially the partnership with Denbigh, also through the intensive efforts of Heribert and Moira Rück. The association has 70 members.
Meeting of the SKS Committee
The text of the partnership agreement is drafted and recommended to the municipal council for inclusion.
Meeting of the Partnership Commission.
All details for the trip of a delegation of 17 people from Biebertal to Denbigh from September 12th to 15th 1991 and the program in Denbigh are discussed. The return visit of the delegation from Denbigh from October 14th to 17th 1991 is also discussed and planned in detail.
Meeting of the Municipal Council
The municipal council decides to conclude a partnership agreement with the following wording:
Partnership agreement
The Council of the Town of Denbigh and the Municipal Council of Biebertal decided in 1990 to twinn the two municipalities. They hereby solemnly affirm to work for the beginning partnership by
a) establish and maintain friendly relations with each other,
b) die Achtung und das gegenseitige Verständnis zwischen den Einwohnern der beiden Gemeinden entwickeln,
c) den Kontakt zwischen den Jugend- und Erwachsenenorganisationen, Schulen, Vereinen und kulturellen Gruppierungen auf allen Ebenen ermutigen und unterstützen sowie
d) persönlichen Umgang und gegenseitige Besuche fördern, damit menschliche und kulturelle Beziehungen entstehen und eine Grundlage geschaffen wird, auf der eine dauerhafte Freundschaft zwischen den Einwohnern der beiden Gemeinden und der beiden Völkern gedeihen kann. Die gemeinsamen Bemühungen sind eine wichtige Voraussetzung für ein in Frieden und Freiheit geeintes Europa.
Denbigh, ...
For the town of Denbigh For the municipality of Biebertal
……………………………. …………………………………..
12. – 15.09.1991
Visit of a Biebertal delegation (13 persons) to Denbigh with the ceremonial signing of the partnership documents
The deed is worded as follows:
Partnership certificate
on the conclusion of partnership relations between the town of Denbigh and the municipality of Biebertal.
The council of the town of Denbigh and the municipal council of Biebertal decided in 1990 to establish a partnership between the two municipalities.
The meetings of their citizens are an important prerequisite for the lasting friendship of the two peoples and the promotion of the European idea.
The aim of the partnership is to promote mutual friendly relations between its citizens.
Cultural, artistic, humanitarian and sporting exchanges should facilitate the deepening of relations between associations, schools and organisations.
The development of tourism and economic activity is to be promoted. The partners inform each other about the results of the communal concerns.
They solemnly declare to maintain and strengthen the friendly relationship between the town of Denbigh and the municipality of Biebertal and to make their contribution to a Europe united in peace and freedom.
Certify this on the occasion of a visit by representatives of the Town of Denbigh to Biebertal at...... and on the occasion of a return visit by representatives of the Municipality of Biebertal to Denbigh at .............. or vice versa.
Meeting of the Partnership Commission.
Mayor Leicht gave a report on the visit to Denbigh. This was followed by a short discussion. The course of the visit was very positive. Detailed plans are also being made for the return visit of a delegation from Denbigh from October 14th to 17th 1991.
24. – 27.10.1991
Visit of a delegation from Denbigh (12 persons) for the ceremonial signing of the partnership deed and celebration on the occasion of the decided partnership. The people of Biebertal were also cordially invited to the so-called Biebertal/Denbigh Partnership Days.
This concluded the partnership with Denbigh.
From now on, the German-British Association Biebertal takes over most of the partnership work and exchange.